Within this first section of exploring and working with 2D media I have decided to publish the working properties and 2D media materials that I have decided to use for my project.Without 2D media products I believe that I would have been unable to produce such work as I have experimented and shaped my work upon using these selected media approaches in order to produce detailed work. Below I have decided to publish what I have used and to what effect I have used each range of media technique to produce the work within this unit and the rest of my units within this course. I have found that working with such media properties from computers to paint has enabled me to be creative in what work I produce and how it is presented to the audience/client.
Working with: wet media
Working with paints
As part of experimenting with working properties and 2d media I have decided to elaborate on how paints (pictured to the left) are involved with my current work and how they shall be incorporated within the future pieces of work that I shall be doing for this project. As you can see from the image taken of my own set of oil paints that were used within my project, working with such properties was important as paint enabled me to experiment with different forms of potential 2d media layout designs (found within several of my sketchbooks) and also help me acknowledge what can be potentially be achieved thanks to the experimentation of different paint and art forms combined. As you shall later see within the later section of working with 2d media, I have gone a step further by researching artists that use paints in order to create 'art' and 2d media.
Why use oil paints and other paint ?
Oil painting techniques have been practiced by many artists for hundreds of years. Dating back these years ago, the professionals with those who had money and time to spare used oil paints to produce art. Oil is,even today one of the most forgiving and easiest mediums that we can work with. This has enabled many to produce with oil paint as in comparison to watercolours and pastels it is relatively easy to use.
Advantages of using oil paint within my project
One advantage that I have found useful whilst using oil paint is that it can be easily applied to sketchbook paper and even canvas. The easiest technique that I used with the oil paints to decorate my work was to simply put the paint on my brush and stroke on the sketchbook paper (or canvas) of my choice and to the desired affect. After experimenting and using the oil paint I had found that this working property had not run off the paint or moved from its original position
The second advantage of using such wet media is that it does not change colour whilst it dried. As I was worried about my other paints changing colour (such as the acrylic used within my mind map - unit 1) I was pleased to find even after a long period of time that these oil paints showed no change within my sketchbook. Taking this factor into account I had also thought about the effect this could have upon the proposal set for the client. As I was working from a brief for a client which detailed what colours I was using throughout, I found oil paints were a possibility to use within my final animation if i were to produce stock frame animated scenes as they were reliable working properties to use throughout the course.
The last advantage that I wish to state would be how easy it is to remove a mistake made within my work if I were to use oil paint. As I had made several mistakes that needed fixing I found that scraping the paint off was the easiest way to re-do my work without any problems. As this oil paint solution enabled me to not worry about making mistakes I was able to work more freely on my project for the client as oils had enabled me to creatively produce work in a detailed fashion without worrying that it would be unforgiving if I were to make a mistake that could not be fixed.
The disadvantages of working with oil paints within my project
The only disadvantage that I could think of with such property was how slow the oil paint took in order to dry. This meant that they stayed wet longer so therefore I had to spend more time waiting than I had wished in order for the oil paint to dry. After experimenting with other product and styles for the project I had found however that there do exist mediums that, when mixed in with the paint can speed up the drying process significantly in order for me to keep to the schedule I had set for this particular work.
(Above: picture taken of the oils that I used
whilst working on part of the project for the course).
Later on within this section of A02 working with 2D media I shall investigate how such oils and other paints have been used as I reflect upon other artists work in order to gain an understanding of how such magnificent pieces of work can be created.
Working with wet media part two
working with inks
As you can see on the image to the left, numbers 3,4& 5 were inks used within the entire project of my course. I have found working with such products valuable within the creation of my project as without these my work would not be anywhere near the standard that am aiming for as it would have lacked the professional attention needed in order for the project as a whole to be a success. Each of these that are listed below have helped me through the course to produce credible work that is set to a professional standard to which I can show to my specific client (NHS campaign) and within interviews to further my career opportunities in the future.
Numbers 1 and 2 within the image shall be mentioned and evaluated later within this unit as they are forms of dry media that I used within this project.
number 3: Traditional ink pen
Even though most would exclude this from their list and example of wet media I have found it important to reflect on how useful this particular product has been within my project due to its versatility and importance. Without this particular product I would have been unable to annotate in a way that is quick and easy and that also expresses my style on paper. Ink pens have been used also as guidelines for fine liners and have helped me produce such work like the mind map seen within unit 1 as they have helped me to outline and roughly produce my work.
Number 4: oil based paint marker pen
The oil based marker pen has been invaluable within several of my units for sketchbook purposes. The pen has enabled me to work more with wet media as the ink is similar to that of paint as the pen in particular in used to produce work that has a 'professional' finish& quality. This pen was evidently used to effect within my unit 1 sketchbook to create detailed outlines and background for my artists research as I had found that, whilst working with this product I was able to promote my sketchbook in a more creative manner.
As you can see to your left, this is me using this technique on my sketchbook in order to stylize my work in a creative manner. After experimenting with this product I had began to realise how useful effective this product was in terms of how easy it was to use, how diverse the work becomes compared to others and how this technique can potentially draw attention to your own work. Within the future I shall definitely be using this oil based outline pen within my future work, as it has helped me creatively become more diverse with what I produce and how I am able to stylize my work for the client and other projects I shall face.
To the left , is part of my sketchbook that I had used this particular wet media on. This particular piece of work was to be layout out with coloured card behind it, due to the reliability of working with this oil pen I was able to stylize my work to a professional level as the designs that I was able to produce were individual and consistently 'pleasing to the eye'.
As I considered promoting my work I had found this product was effect in differentiating myself from other artists work. As I had explored and investigated this product and Its potential I had realised that there were only a handful of artwork that captivated this type of wet media as it originated from common forms of 'graffiti'.
Working with a range of 2D media has led me on to realising how much diversity and range can be seen within the art world. As one of the first things many would think about when It comes to artwork would be artist such as Pablo Picasso or Michelangelo it is evident that over the past few years a variety of art can now be seen and expressed through movements and trends within society. One example of the diversity found within our multicultural society & within the art world is that of the 'graffiti movement'. As this is a controversial topic debating whether this is truly 'art' or just vandalism it is important to note its popularity within our common society. This in some terms can be seen as a way in which artists can express themselves , both on a physical level and on a scale that can be observed by hundreds (if not thousands) due to its location. As I have worked with a property that replicates the nature of graffiti onto paper I had found this movement interesting to investigate for my current project. Within this unit I have continued with this art form as I have investigated into the work of the anonymous 'Banksy'.
number 5 : Fine liner pen/ art
As a property in which I have used throughout my work I have investigated and researched this product as an art form. Most artists would agree that Fine lining art gives it a 'professional quality' compared to that of just pencil sketches. Fine lining is something that I have continuously done in order to produce detailed work as my artistic style generally involves using a fine liner to go over my initial sketches so that they can either later be painted or scanned onto computer or left as they are. Without this specific product I would have found it particularly difficult to get all my sketches finalised and to the state in which I was able to colour them using computer software as fine lining was simple and easy to do whilst it was also substantially helpful in the production of my designs for my client.
Pete scully
One artist that I have investigated and researched within this particular section that used fine liners to create pieces of art was Pete scully. His wok reflected and depicted every day life and surroundings through this technique. It has enabled Pete to produce art with a dynamic twist as this image (to the left) shows his take on the surroundings of Charleroi as this demonstrates how fine liners are used to effect and how different techniques from across the world have shaped my own work and techniques.
The combinations of 2D media within his work
As Pete continues to explore this specific style within his artwork, Pete has also combined various ink methods within his work in order to have a varied collection. The combination of "fine liners" and ink has enabled this artist (scully) to keep his work fresh and new as this mixture of two different 2D media's combined has ultimately characterised Pete scullys artwork and kept it visually interesting to the eye.
Wet media Artists
Within this section I aim to investigate into artists that specialise within the wet media side of art. As wet media relates to artists using media such as paints, inks and dyes I shall be able to research an artist in depth and also gain knowledge and understanding that I shall be able to apply to that of my own work. I find that using wet media is important to experiment with and possibly use within my work as the possibilities with media are endless in terms of creativity and being able to apply your own style to a piece of work that is being created with this medium. As you shall see below within this section I have been able to apply the artists specific technique and stylisation in order to develop my work in a professional manner and in order to make it more creative,diverse and more importantly visually interesting.
wet media - PAINTER : Eamon Everall
Eamon Everall (born 6 October 1948) is an English artist and educator. Eamon Everall's style is commonly based around the "neo-cubist" style.
I bet you are all wondering ,so what exactly is neo-cubism ?
(This specific style was pioneered and is branched off ''cubism'' by most famously Pablo Picasso within the 20th century.This technique revolutionized European painting and sculpture whilst it also inspired other movements in related areas of music,architecture and literature).
Moving back to Eamon Everalls life,Eamon was born in Hampshire within an army family in which he was able to draw inspiration from his surroundings as he often moved from country to country from Germany to the far east, this enabled him also to gather inspiration from different cultures and countries in which he visited.
Eamon Everall's Art -
Everall creates vivid composition that incorporate the style of cubism. As he gained inspiration from everything around him throughout his childhood and teenage life Everall mostly works from life and observation in order to produce fine artwork. Like many artists Everalls art may take years to complete as he often makes changes to his work and composition of the image within the art.One aspect that draws my attention to this particular artist is his involvement in acknowledging theories of 'paint chemistry,technique and history of art. This I find is an essential part of being an artist as exploring the method of painting can only surely make your skills evolve for the better.
"The Gift"- One of Eamon Everall's collection of painting
Everall actually refuses to express the motive and meaning behind this specific piece of art even though the idea supposedly "came in a flash" for the artist. One reason that he refrains from expressing the meanings behind this piece may be due to the limitless meanings that the piece has to express or due to the fact that it works on so many levels. The basic subject of the specific painting is a woman behind a cluttered table of plates,fruits and books. It is important to note how the actual shape of the painting is that of a door. In many ways this has been a symbolic reference to the observation of " life around Everall" as many of his paintings are symbolic of his attitude and outlook on life.
visual perspectives and facetted images are employed throughout the painting which is built upon a vertical pictorial geometry based on a golden section rectangle and a square. My own opinions of this painting are positive.I particularly take inspiration from this specific artist due to the theory behind his creations. As seen by previous artists (such as Georges Braque) the cubist technique and interpretation within his work has enabled Everall to produce characterised and unique paintings as this abstracted form has ultimately defined his painting techniques and his career as a whole.
Today, Eamon Everall still continues to produce art (especially art based on cubism) as he continues to find inspiration from the many factors in which he resorts to in order to produce such fine art. Eamon has enabled me to take a different perspective in how I may produce my own work as his particular style shows greater depth and visual creativity than many, due to his passion for art and his unique talent for producing paintings with style, depth and meaning.
The combinations of 2D media within Everalls work
Before I researched this particular artist I had to find a painter that had worked with two type of 2d media in order to include them within this section of work. The first information I gained about this artist was that Everall had previously experimented with ink art and paint together as one piece of art. This can be seen in some of Everalls previous artworks. He combined both 2d media methods, so that he was able to find his chosen style and method of producing artwork. This in favour led to Everall to find this style and influence and inspire others in producing art that was either 2d media or a combination of two different 2d media methods within one piece of artwork.
My own version of paint art within my work
How I incorporated other artist methods within my own work and How I like their style.
As you can see from the image (on the left) that I took, I have used paint as an essential method of design and art within my projects. This particular image was used within my first unit in order to mind map my work. As I liked Everall's artistic feel within his work I tried to do the same within my own work.
I will also continue to use paint within my work due to its professional finish and my passion for paint derived from art that I have researched and admired in the past.
How well I got on whilst working with paint
Its potential: After I had experimented and worked with this particular 2d media product I believe that it worked well with my particular style and the overall look I wanted to portray within my work. I believe that this this 2d media has true potential as I shall continue to use it within my current and future work.
Its limitations: Even though the end result of the artwork was a success this particular method took time to dry.
Wet media - Ink artist, artist : Peter Preier
I have found using Ink a strongpoint and also a defining method in which I produce my work due to the amount of work I do with this type of wet media. As all the sketches I have produced ( specifically for unit 1,3,17&18) have used this method I have found it important to investigate further into how ink is used to produce art as this shall ultimately shape how I produce work set for the client and/or how I could possibly produce my animation and other pieces of work for the course.
Peter Preier was born in 1968 in Vienna, Austria. Even as a child, a pencil and a piece of paper was enough for keeping Peter entertained for hours. Already then he was inspired by drawing different objects in three-dimensional images with light and shadows. Because of schooling and professional training however, there was almost no time left for Peter Preiers passion in drawing.
In 2001 Peter Preier started specializing in the art of drawing, drawing scenes of various cities and towns as well as scenes of the countryside. In 1993, Peter Preier studied ink and pen drawing, perfecting his own unique style to an almost photographic realistic state.One of Peters most significant and popular ink drawings since his time as an artist has been the drawing "Fantasy tree" (1998).
My own version of ink art within my work
How I have incorporated other artists work in my own and why I like their style
I have used ink art within a variety of my work. As you can see from this image that I took for my unit 17 work I have applied the research of other artists and have encorporated it within my own work. I believe that this has made my wor better both visually and creatively as using ink enables me to explore a wide variety of artforms as I am able to combine it with other methods(such as paint) to create a combination of art.
Other work of mine that I have used and explored this method is found within my unit 1 character sketches, my unit 3 work where I had developed my characters and even unit 17. This particular piece of work (left) was created in order to express narrative through imagery so that the images could therefore tell a story. I believe that using ink produced finer work with precision and quality as this particular method suited my creative style.
Its potenital: Ink can be a true benefit to the professionalism of my work. Its easy to use nature and versatile nature allows me to freely and creatively produce a high quality standard of work for my projects. I would/ will definately continue to use this within my work within the future.
Its limitations: This has potentially no limitations. Its versatility and professional finish has allowed me to to produce some creative pieces of art. Their maybe a chance of 'smudging' whilst using ink.
Dry media artist
As I have moved on through the wet media side of the research I plan to investigate further and develop my knowledge of the art world by researching dry media.Within this section I shall be exploring the 2D materials and techniques used by artists. These include the research and investigation into pastel,pencil and fabric artists to develop my work further. As I shall be investigating in greater depth about different techniques and processes I will be able to use this new knowledge within my own work for the future of my course. This shall also enable me to gain inspiration from the different range of media processes and techniques as this range gives me the opportunity to produce my own range of work that have been produced with different materials,tecnhiques and processes.
Dry media artist- pastel artist: Tony Hogan
Recognised for his magnificant paintings and for his relaxed and easy way of teaching others, Tony Hogan has been artistically driven from his early childhood within Saltaire,Shipley. Tony Hogan was the second youngest of a large family where he admits he was motivated and driven by his mother, despite the fact that Tony's father had passed away when Tony was only seven years old. The death of his father shadowed a cast over Tony's artistic life as leaving a widow with twelve children to bring up, meant Tony had little chance of pursuing a career from his passion.
As you can see from this breathtakingly beautiful pastel drawing created by Tony Hogan ( named " Winter in the dales over Malham") the detail that can be produced from this 2d media material is capturvating and intereguing to the eye. I particularly like how Tony was able to produce such an emotional and realistic drawing with the help of pastels as they enable an artist such as Tony Hogan to be creative and individually unique in terms of how they use the pastels to produce their art and style.
Tony still continues to add to his collection of pastel drawings as he still draws inspiration from the senery around him within Yorkshire and even throughout the county ,where he travels in order to perform artist workshops for amateur artists. I particularly like how using pastels enables the artist to visually recreate a scene where realism and the depiction of meanings and attitudes are portrayed within the artwork. I shall be able to use this research in order to hopefully produce my very own pastel artwork for the current project. If I decide not to use this working property for a particular reason (such as it not linking to my own project) I shall have still been able to gain knowledge and developed a greater range and undertsnading of how art can be produced thanks to the help of different 2D media materials and properties.
Dry media artist - Pencil artist : John D.Herz
It is surprising to believe that John.D.Herz has only been an artist for a handful of years. It took John 58 years to realize his artistic ability and talent even though he had always been a fan of art and the design process.John had never had any lessons in order to draw such art with a graphite Pencil as his work has receieved global recognistion over the past several years. One of Johns favourite motivations for his work was "street life" in which he took a variety of images in order to produce his drawings. This relates to what I aim to achieve myself as I had continued to gathr inspiration from what I see around me and also from other artists artwork.
As you can see from this drawing of one of his "street art " colelctions John.D.Herz brilliantly captures an essence of people from all walks of life as it embraces the sense of connection whilst also conveying lonileness within the variety of his work. I also believe that John work goes beyond that of photorealism, his passion for collecting the sole of his subjects makes his work with a graphite pencil even more brilliant. What I find particularly intreguing is his efforts to capture "the moment". This I believe it something that only a handful of artists are able to capture as he delivers the image in a unique and visually passionate manner.I find myself admiring every artistic detail within his artwork as the method of producing such artwork appeals to me both visually and in a meaningful manner, as the graphite pencil art captures the element of realism to which we can all see and admire.
I have found it important to anlayse and research this particularly artist as this 2d based media process appeals to me on several levels. The realistic element and free nature of this material enables the artist to work in a less restricted fashion to which artistic interpretations are produced.
My own version of pencil art within my work
How I have incorporated other artists styles within my work and why I like their style .
As I have encorporated Herz's style and approach with pencil art I have produced a variety of artwork which relates to/or is pencil art itself. The effect and style of this method has allowed me to creatively combine the artists style and that of my own within my work as the wide range of artists and artwork they have produced has made me understand in detail and realise the importance of finding new inspiration through research and encorporating other styles within my work.
Its potential: using pencils and pencil techniques is something that I have always been accustom to. I believe that with the use of pencil my work is able to be more creative, flexable and interesting as the work I produce is able to flow better and be less constrained. As pencil is easily possible to rub out and change, my work can benefit from this feature. With this I am capable of being able to develop ideas and visualise what works well on paper with the ability to be able to erase mistakes. Overall this is a perfect technique, tool and 2d medium to use within my work.
Its limitations: After using such a product for such a long time I believe that this is one of the best tools and techniques to produce professional work. As most pieces of art (with the exception of sculpture ect) use pencil I believe this is an effective and versatile medium to use within my work.
Dry media artist- Fabric artist: Sue Benner
Sue Benners early work propelled her to become a studio artist in 1980, working primarily in the medium which later became known as the Art Quilt. Sue is an innovator in her field, creating original dyed and painted fabrics in which she combines with recycled textiles to form fields of detailed patterns, imaginative beauty, and riotous variation.
Sue’s artwork is in many private, corporate, and institutional collections. Sue continues to lecture and perform workshops both nationally and internationally in the fields of surface design, textile collage, fused quilt construction, and artistic inspiration.
Surprisingly Sue Benner's love for fabric was not from other artists work neither was it because of exploring different working properties but because of the clothes her mother made for her when she was a child. As her mother taught sue to sew carefuly, and creatively it was then when sue began to experiment art with the use of fabric. I particularly like the sylized collection Sue Benner has created as she is able to portray life and our planet through this art form. Alongside this I find it visually intregueing as the vivacious colours and process in which Sue created these pictures stunning. As Sue lives in Dallas, Texas with her husband, Craig Jett, and their two sons, Sue works in her studio built within the backyard of their family home. However, a part of her heart resides still in her home state of Wisconsin.
There are a variety of reasons to explain why I particularly enjoy observing Sue's collection. As I have had little previous knowledge of such Art I have been truly inspired from this research of this particular artist.I believe that I can apply this knowledge and techniques to my own work as it is important for me to experiment with different material in order to continue to produce creative art for my project.
My own version of using fabrics with my work
As you can see from the image to the left I have tried to incorporate the use of various fabric within my work. As my project generally consists of producing various final characters and backgrounds I believe that it has been difficult to include such material within the project. Taking this into account I still have enjoyed using various materials and techniques (such as using fabric) within my work due to its unique and individual ability to give a soft third dimensional feel whilst also being balanced by the ability to be an adaptable and flexible material to use for such projects at the one I am currently undertaking. Thanks to the various research I have performed and particular artist research I have collected I have been able to understand and deploy this technqiue effectively. The particular way in which this material can be manipulated to produce various artistic pieces really attracts me to the idea of using this in the future to produce other artistic and/or layout designs for my projects. I believe that the research i've gathered has truly enabled me to focus and think more about the variety of options I could adopt to successfuly promote and present future work for the project.
Exploring a range of 2D media materials- collage, artist: Phyllis Aliber
Collage has always been something that has appealled to me since I have been interested in art and this course in particular. I have found it important to research this technique due to its diversity and creative symbolism found within each collage.One key collage artist that I have researched is connecticut born Phyllis Aliber,after raising a family and completed a college programme in mid-life she began her journey within art.
Phyllis's imaginative collages have enabled her to combine a life-long interest in textures, lettering, and graphics, with the combination of paper. I believe that Phyllis's abstract images begin spontaneously and give expression to personal creativity and insight as her recent work lends itself to differing interpretations and emotions. With Phyllis Alibers collages each piece is unique in design,with includes printed papers, fabrics, and other "found" materials, which create a fusion of color and texture within her collages.
During the 25 years spent within Vermont, the artist's work was exhibited in many solo and group juried gallery shows, including that of the National Collage Society's annual exhibit. A collage of Phyllis's, "Seasons", was elected as a finalist in The Artist's Magazine's 1994 All-media art competition. Other pieces have been recognized in various national competitions.Phyllis's work is also in many private collections within america and other countries across the globe.
My own version of using collage within my work
My passion for collage had given me the inspiration to produce my very own version for my current project. As I wished to incorporate this technique and style within my work I decided to include it as part of my unit 17 narrative imagery work. For this section I had to produce an image from a narrative story (the woman and the bell of miidera) and incorporate different styles of art that I had researched prior to production. The first task for this was to cut out a basic outline of the image of which I wanted to incorporate within my collarge from card. After I had produced this outline with the card I then proceeded to layering various cut out images over each other to give the collage effect. My main source for such imagery was from various news papaers and magazines that had different textures and colours. After I had applied the images to produce this collage I then gave the image a greater effect with the help of a foam material. As you can see from the image above I decided to take an image of the collage before I painted the rest of the sections in with paint.
its limitations: Even though it potentially can give a unique and visually creative finish to the porject the use of collage does have afew draw backs. In terms of practicality, the collage technique is very impractical. As glue, scissors and various cut out pieces of paper and card have to be applied to make the collage this therefore makes it less easy to use and less practicle to be used within my work and project.
My overall view of using collage within my work
As a style I believe that collage is an effective and alternative method that has benefiited my progression of work. I have been able to successfully apply other artists collage methods ( such as the work of Phyliss Aliber) to that of my own work as the research into a range of 2d media has enabled me to understand and encorporate new methods and techniques into my own project. This will ultimately effect my future work as the research into 2d media has enabled me to understand how to use such materials and processes effectively in order to produce professional and varied pieces of work.
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