Why is it important to assess risks?
Throughout my time spent on the animation course I have had to assess what is potentially dangerous and could cause issues surrounding my safety and others safety whilst I have been working with tools and equipment to produce my work (such as work within my sketchbook). As it is important to check all the equipment before you proceed in using what is provided, this shall ultimately lower the chances of any possible injuries or accidents as avoiding any hazards is essential in providing the best quality for my project so I am able to produce and finish my work on time.
Another side to the importance of assessing risk whilst dealing with such tools and materials commonly used to produce such work as I am currently doing is the fact that if I do not conduct myself within the correct manner, the equipment itself could potentially be damages due to my wrecklessness and unawareness. As safety helps to mitigate risk in any given situation throughout my animation course it is important to stay focused on what I am doing at any given time (especially whilst dealing with equipment that could cause danger to myself and others such as sharp objects or hot objects like glue guns) as a feeling of working in a safe environment shall ultimately make me feel comfortable in these conditions so that I can working appropriately and focus more on the work, rather than on safety based issues.
Health and safety guidelines held within the uk
As it is crucial to follow guidelines set by the school and more importantly by the government I have found it important to use these guidelines to follow for my own work. I have done this for several reasons
- So that I comply with the schools regulations, this in turn shall hep me with any issues I face as I have the school guidelines as a guideline of my own to follow so I do not face any issues of safety within the school environment.
- So I can keep to a realistic environment that is seen within the real working environment. As I have been set a brief from a client I have found myself working in a more professional manner. As one day I wish to work in such an environment as a profession I have found it beneficial in providing a realistic environment for myself to work in so I gain atleast some awareness and experience of what it is like within a full time profession based around providing for a client and working with potentially dangerous objects and tools.
- The safety of others is an important part within my project as a whole in terms of safety and risk assessment.I have rightly chosen to follow these regulations of health and safety as the potential risk to others is a key factor to assess in the production of my own work.
The health and safety at work act of 1974
About the Health and safety act
This Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 , also referred to as HASAW or HSW, is the primary piece of legislation covering occupational health and safety in the United Kingdom. The Health and Safety Executive is responsible for enforcing this Act and a number of other Acts and Statutory Instruments relevant to our working environment.
Overview of the 1974 health and safety act -
*It shall be the duty of every employer to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of all his employees.
- This applies to North Kesteven school for providing a safe area to work in. Within the areas that I shall be working on the school site, I have checked for any possible risks before I have conducted my work. I have yet to face any serious problems with the facilities provided by the school.
*It shall be the duty of every employer to consult any such representatives with a view to the making and maintenance of arrangements which will enable him and his employees to co-operate effectively in promoting and developing measures to ensure the health and safety at work of the employees, and in checking the effectiveness of such measures.
- As I am also following the instructions of the client and also that of my animation teacher I feel that I have been taught how to work in a safe and responsible manner & how to use all equipment due to the detailed information given by both sources. It is important to mention that thanks to both sources (the client and the teacher I have been able to produce work in a responsible and professional way that replicates that of the 'real industry'.
It shall be the duty of every self-employed person to conduct his undertaking in such a way as to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that he and other persons (not being his employees) who may be affected thereby are not thereby exposed to risks to their health or safety
- I also have to take into account other peoples safety that may not be producing similar work to me or even take the same subject when working in these areas around the school site. As there may be times that I shall be working in a room that has other students that do not know how to use the equipment properly or even may get close to the tools I am using whilst I work It is important to observe their behaviour and also conduct myself in the correct manner. Taking this part of the Health and safety legislation into account shall hopefully minimise the chances of hazards or injuries to myself an/or others.
Duty not to interfere with or misuse things provided pursuant to certain provisions
- Again to concluded on the Health and safety act of 1974 it is of overall importance to use the materials and tools provided in a professional way. As everyday working materials such as string, glue guns, staplers, cutting knives and scissors have to be used to produce professional standard work for the client It is vital that all precautions are taken into account and followed for the soel purpose of everyones safety.
The education regulation act of 1999
As I have been working within the school site for all of my animation course (alongside working within my own time) I have found it important to state within this section of the unit the regulations that have been applied and that need to be followed on the school site as it is important to minimalise the risk to myself and others whilst working on the project set by the client.
General health, safety and welfare -
For all school or college sites, the condition of the premises should provide sufficient assurance as to the health, safety and welfare of all who are using the building. Good standards of hygiene should be maintained. There should also be sufficient space so that overcrowding can be avoided.
- An important issue that has been raised within this section of the health and safety regulation within school is the well being of everyone who is around me whilst i use the tools and materials. Highlighting the sentence which states " There should also be sufficient space so that overcrowding can be avoided", as my work area may be shared with other members of the shool enough space must be required in order for me to work comfortably without the risk of insufficient space causing an injury to another person or myself. Whilst I have to use equipment that uses alot of space such as a large paper guillotine I have to also weighup the other factor of not just sharp or toxic objects or materials but also heavy equipment. As these heavy objects are used on tables (possibly near the end of the table) there is a possibility that one may fall off the table due to it being knocked. This would potentially be dangerous as this weight would certainly cause damage to anyone who were to fall into its path. To avoid this it is vital for everyone else to be aware of what equipment I am using and where it is placed, along with them and myself following the regulations set so that the risks of injury are minimalised.
Medical rooms on the school site
The Education (School Premises) Regulations require every school to have a room for medical or dental examinations, and the care of sick or injured pupils. Such a room must be readily accessible, contain a washbasin and be reasonably near a toilet. It must not be teaching accommodation.
As we can only try to minimalise any risk of injury or potential hazards there still is a chance that one may occurr in any given situation I face whilst proucing this project over this period of time. If an accident, injury or hazard were to occur it is vital for the injured or ill to be seen to immediately by a trained professional such as a school nurse or doctor. Taking into account the facilities provided at this school I am able to report that these facilities are provided on site. However, as I shall be spending alot of time working within my own hours (at home) it is also important for me to still keep a sense of professionalism as these tools are still being used outside the school site.
Fires on the school site
Even though the likelyhood of a fire on the site is highly unlikely it still has to be an issue that must be addressed and dealt with. As I shall be using electrical equipment for annotations and productions of work such as using computer programmes (such as adobe photoshop, toon boom and illustrator) along with scanners and photocopiers it is very important to be aware of potential risks that can be caused due to irresponsible or wreckless behaviour. As the regulations state that it must be possible for every part of a school or college building to be safely evacuated in case of fire I also have to be aware of where the nearest fire escape is located on site.
One factor that has to come into the equastion whislt on the topic of potential fires is the use of flammable products in the production of my work. As some of the products I shall be using are known to be flammable, such as paper and card to various fabrics and items found within the facilities that I am using, it is important to minimalise the risk of these materials being 'set on fire' as it is my responsiblity to use the materials and tools appropriately throughout.
How to use equipment, tools and materials in a safe manner
For this section of A05 Demonstrating safe practices I have produced detailed information on how to use tools,equipment and materials properly whilst also showing how to conduct yourself in a professional and safe way.
Demonstrating safe practices: Risk assessment
Below is a key to show whether the position in which the tools and equipment are being held is the correct or incorrect position.
As you may have gathered, this sign will be next to the image/s that show the correct position to which the equipment and tools must be held in order to prevent injury and to also minimalise the risk of injuring others whilst carrying/holding the tools and equipment.
This sign is therefore the sign that indicates that the position in which the item is being held is incorrect and/or potentially dangerous. As these simple indicators will show it is important to show how easily mistakes can be made as this could cause injury or risk to oneself or others around.
Demonstrating safe practices : object - scissors This position is the correct way in which this pair of scissors are meant to be held. As you can see, the sharp end is facing away from the body and more importantly the face as it is firmly in my hand. If I were to accidently fall over this would therefore prevent me from serious injury as the sharp end is away from my body.
This position is the incorrect way in which to hold the pair of scissors. This way of holding the scissors could be dangerous for a variety of reasons. If the person were to fall then they would certainly be at risk of injury as the sharp end is facing upwards. This could be fatal as it would be easy for the sharp end to accidently make contact to the body and head aswell as to others. As the main objective is to assess and minimalise the potential of risk it would be important, even with the simplist of tools (such as scissors) to use and hold appropriately.
Demonstrating safe practises: Risk assessment, object: industry guillotine
As you can observe, this is the incorrect in which to hold a guillotine. As the guillotine is heavy with sharpe sides it is important to hold in a position that supports the back well and that is safe for others around. Within the image you can see how one side is lower than the other, if this were to accidently fall out the hand the person would suffer injury as the likelihood is that theguillotine would injure there foot/feet, legs or could make the person trip and cause further injury due to added weight.
Demonstrating safe practices: Risk assessment, object : Stanley Knife
As one of the most potentially dangerous tools that I shall be using/ or have used in the animation course, the stanley knife has to be held in the appropriate manner in order to prevent serious injury. This image above shows how this stanley knife is held incorrect and in a very dangerous position. The knife should be closes at all times of transportation as without keeping the knife closed the element of risk is dramatically hightened.
Demonstrating safe practices: Using a computer appropriately
one of the most important areas that I have to focus my safe working practices is around a computer. As most of my time will be spent around this area it is very important for me to demonstrate various appropriate practices in order to be safe whilst working with computers and various other objects and accessories related to computers and computer use. Below I have also produced a list of appropriate things that I must do in order to ensure I am working safely, moreover I have produced a list of things that would be deemed as "inappropriate".
unsafe way of using a computer: leaning back on the chair - One of the most dangerous hazards and potential risks for my own health is if I were to learn back and cause injury to myseft or someone else. As you can see from this image, there are several potential risks when you learn back on a chair. One of these risks is the potential to hurt your head,back or somebody else. As injury would cause severe delays with my project and the production it is vital for me to work in a safe manner in order to effectively and professionally produce my work. This position as seen on the image with the actor included must never be a position in which I adopt. As I need to use computers and additional equipment for the computer it is important for me to assess any potential "risks" and work in a safe manner in order to produce my work without delays or further issues such as broken equipment, personal injury or another persons health being put at risk due to unsafe actions such as this risk.
This particular image shows the most appropriate and conventional way in whcih I should sit on a chair whilst using a computer. The benefits of sitting correctly are
> good posture - this will enable me to efficiently use the computer and computer equipment for longer periods of time without facing problems such as Backache,headache and other body issues.
>don't cause a risk to anyone else. As you are sitting in an appropriate manner the chances of causing someone else an issue or problem is low. As I will be sitting in an appropriate manner this will essentially allow me to not trouble anyone or cause any harm to anyone else.
>Good performance on work. As you will be more alert and more "awake" and prepared to do work this will ultimately allow me to focus on the work that I need to do. In order for me to also meet the requirments and stay in the schedule of the brief it is also important for me to be able to sit in the most appropriate manner in order to do this work.
Unsafe way of using a computer: Putiing feet up and being out of the most appropriate position
Again , the positioning of yourself is ultimately one of the most important factors to assess in order to safely produce work. Working inappropriately by putting your feet up and generally "messing around" with the equipment,chair and around others will almost certainly cause a hazard or injury. Taking this into account, it is important to remember to sit in a safe manner in order to work effectively and efficiently so that I meet the schedule and brief set by the client.
Unsafe way of using a computer : sitting too close to the computer
One of the other factors to consider along with your body position is also how far your eyes are to the computer screen. Being too close to a computer screen will ultimately lead to feeling sick,headaches,migrane,poor eye sight, general bad health. To overcome this it is important for me to sit at the correct postion and correct distance away from the computer to ensure that I will not have any issues to do with my health.
Being at the wrong height to be able to effectively use a computer will mean that hazards and injuries can be caused along with the work not being done. Being at the wrong height will ultiamtely lead to possible injury,furthermore the height will mean that you will be distracted from creatively producing work in the best way you can as the position of the computer and yourself are one of the most important aspects to assess and take into consideration.
In order to effectively work in a safe manner it is vital for me to postion my computer in the most appropriate and functional manner. If my computer and other computer equipment happens to be leaning or placed in dangerous postions this could lead to a hazard, potential injury and could lead to the computer and the equipment being broken. Taking into consideration the budget and the clients requirements,It is important for me to keep this equipment functioning properly through appropriate use of the equipment as this will save me money along with enabling me to work safely without any potential dangers.
Safe way to use a computer: Positioning of the computer
As you can see from the image to the left, this is one of the most appropriate ways in which I can use a computer properly and professionally in order to effectively produce my work for the client on time. As I will be using the equipment in this way it will enable me to focus more about my own work rather than causing issues with other people. The positioning of the computer appropriately will also enable me to work in a safe environment where my work can be produced appropriately and professionally.
Demonstrating safe practices: Preventing fires
At this stage of the blog I thought it would be appropriate to illustrate the importance of preventing fires or electrical problems. As a large majority of the work I do for the client is produced using computers and equipment that uses electric it is important for my safety and others safety that I am responsible and work in a professional manner whilst dealing with electricity. One way in which I can prevent a fire is due to organising various plugs and switches so that I reduce the risk of them becoming overheated and a serious health and safety danger. As you can see on the image ( left) the plugs must be organised in a manner than is clean and tidy an that will ultimately reduce the risk of a fire occurring. Leads and other various wires must also be appropriately managed and placed as these also cause cause injury to myself or others.
Whilst electricals are lso on it is important to remember not to leave drinks or any type of liquid around as again, these could all increase and promote the chances of a fire.
Demonstrating safe practises: safety measures if a fire occurs
Even though this is situation is less likely to occur it is still important to address incase a fire does happen. The most important factor that you should address at the time of the fire has to be the safety of yourself and others. It is important for all to be aware of the fire and to move quickly out of the building. As you should raise the alarm so everyone else can evacuate appropriately (especially within the school) it is important to put everyones safety first. If the fire cannot be kept under control with a fire extinguisher it will be vital for everyone to swiftly exit the building as this could be potentially fatal. As this often only occurs when someone is behaving in an inappropriate manner whilst demonstrating unsafe practices it is vital that professional and correct working practices are applied and followed to ensure the risk of accidents or hazards are averted and minimalised.
Demonstrating safe practices : site visits - The hub
On site visits it is also important for me to conduct myself in an appropriate manner in order to proceed in a safe manner. It is important for me to assess potential risks on site visits as I will come across a variety of "other potential risks" which would not necessarily be found within a classroom or generally indoors. After I have assessed potential risks from this site visit I will be able to proceed with the visit as I will be able to to observe various art in a safe and practical manner.
Within this assessment of the safety of site visits such as "the hub" I will assess the need of demonstrating safe practices outsite and inside as all factors have to be considered on the site visit in order for me to continue with the site visit appropriately.

Outside issues that must be assessed in order for me to demonstrate a high level of safe practice.
Within this particular section I will assess the possbile danegrs and risks that I could face outside on this site visit to the hub. As I will be facing other factors that would not have been an issue inside, it is important for me to assess and investigate into potential hazardsa and find safe and practical sollution in order for me to conduct the site visit properly. This will also allow me to think more about toher factors that may cause injury or are potential hazards as all aspects have to be taken into consideration in order for me to observe/work in a safe manner.
On the site visit I will be at risk from potential motorists in other cars as I make my journey to the location. Cars and traffic can cause serious risk and even potential death! This is why it is vital for me to assess this risk as my life could be put in danger and so to could other peoples lives if I were to not conduct myself in the most appropriate manner. The risk of motorcycles,cars and other vehicles are
>A collision in your own vehicle with another vehicle- One of the main risks of travelling to the location is essentially the chance of getting in a car accident. As there will be many cars on the journey that I must drive past,next to and infront/behind of it is important for me to drive in an appropriate manner. Failing to do so will ultimately lead to a collision between myself and another car or a possible cyclist, walker,horse rider ect.
>a collison with a person walking or cycling - As I will be travelling on narrow roads and country lanes it is important for me to be aware of other potential risks and hazards that I may face. A collision with a person ona bike or walking will cause serious inhury, a serious hazard and even potential death. In order for me to appropriately reach the location without injury or a hazard it is important for me to not drink drive, not be distracted by others and concentrate on the task in hand.
>Potential to cause severe injury and death - This has to be the focus of the whole assessment and the main issue that must be considered and taken into account the most. As this is the most important thing to assess I must conduct myself in the most appropriate manner in terms of cars and traffic as I must remember that these vehicles are potentially"killer machines". Once I arrive I must also remember to observe the traffic and use crossings ect appropriately to ensure that I do not cause injury to myself or anyone else.
To ensure that I consuct myself appropriately and demonstrate safe practicesaround cars/traffic I must:

wear a seatbelt in the vehicle - One of the potential dangers that could put my life in danger is not wearing a seatbelt. Throughout the year in the uk there are a high number of people that die through car accidents, most of which fail to wear seatbelts. Wearing a seatbelt may not ensure that you survive an accident but may save your life, failing to do so will put my life and others around me at risk. Taking this into account will lower the chance of danger.

Drive in an appropriate and safe manner- The most important part of travelling to the location "the hub" is the way that I drive. As it is me that will drive to the specific location now that I am able to drive I must ensure that I drive safely and be aware of other drivers,motorcyclists,cyclistics,horse riders and walkers. Doing this will enable me to arrive at the location safely and appropriately without any hazards or injuries.

Indoor issues that must be assed in order for me to demonstrate a high level of safe practice.
Whilst on the site visit it is also important for me to assess and investigate into indoor issues that may result in potential injury or hazards. There are a wide variety of problems that I could face whilst inside the complex from fires,personal injury, to broken objects and issues with other people. All these have to be initially assessed and also assessed when at the location in order to professionally demonstrate safe practice.
Potential fires :
Like with any location that you are in , there is always a chance that there may be a fire due to electrical problems, other people and other various reasons. If a fire were to occurr it is important for me to
> notify the staff - With any sized fire it is vital for myself and othe people that I notfiy the staff it a fire were to occurr. Fires can be potentially life threatening along with also being able to destroy buildings and msot of the contents within. Fires in locations like this would be disasterous, this is why it is vital for me to notify any staff due to these reasons.
> move out quickly - As a fire is potentially life threatening it is important for myself and anyone else within the facility at the time to quickly move out the building. As building structures and other features may be unstable there is a god chance of severe injury and death if everyone is not move out the location quickly and effectively. Taking this into account, if a fire occurs or a fire alarm goes off it is important for myself and anyone else to swiftly move out of the building.
- It is also important to note how important it is to let the fire department do there job. Trying to potentially be "the hero" in situations such as fires can offen lead to more injury and hazards. If someone can be saved then it is important to help their escape but it is imporatnt to remember to not try to go back inside the building if their is no great threat.
Ethical issues with other people
It is apparent that sometimes it is not the actual individuals fault for an accident or problems to arise but it may be thanks to somebody else. This has to be a factor to consider as we have to think about other people in certain situations to avoid injury,hazards and to demonstrate a level of safe practice and conduct. There are a variety of issues surrounding the involvement of other people that must be assessed.
As it is important to conduct yourself in a respectful and safe manner it is important to realise that everyone else may fele the same way. As the location is in a public area other people could cause potential issues. As it may be hard to possibly resolve these issues it is important to keep calm and continue practicing safe and appropriate practices so that it does not start any other problems. Taking this into account should make a situation better as I will be able to conduct myself in a more professional manner.
Display material/artists work
One of the most important things to take into consideration is the way that I conduct myself around the artwork that has been produced by the artists. As It is important for me to conduct myself in a professional manner in order for me to demonstrate and perform a specific level of safe practice I must not touch any work at "The hub" to insure the safety of myself, another else and the actual artwork itself. Various artwork within these type of exhibitions also differ in height,size and weight. Taking these into account I must remmeber that these also can cause potential danger to myself and everyone else as they are made from various material which can be dangerous.
Taking these into account I believe that I will be able to safely visit the site visit and be able to safely drive to the location "The Hub" using an array of safe practices and precautions as I will be able to effectievely assess any given situation and adapt so that I am aware of any potential dangers or risks. Doing so will enable me to enjoy the site visit and demonstrate safe practices throughout my site visit in order to safely reach and look around "The hub". Taking this into account I am also able to use these safe practices in the future for further site visits and other situations which may put myself at risk or others.